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Elinabiz Global ventures
... your grocery shop


Products Seasoning cubes

Seasoning cubes

With us you will find spice cubes in different varieties and flavours. We have Known (chicken), Maggi star, Ami and many more.

Spice cubes are a very important ingredient to have when cooking, because they give the food a pleasant taste that you want.

A kitchen without spice cubes is not complete and offers enjoyment at a high level!

Tin Tomatoes

Tin Tomatoes

We offer a wide range of canned tomatoes from different producers. We have Gino, Rosa, Tasty Tom, etc. You can use them wonderfully for cooking stew, jelo rice, etc.

We also have tomato paste and tomato paste pouches in various pack sizes, such as 70g, 140g, 170g, 210g, 230g, 380g, 400g, 420g, 425g, 770g, 800g, 850g, 1kg, 2.2kg, 3kg, 3.15kg and 4.5kg.

By the way, tomato paste makes a wonderful little gift for your family and friends.

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil

Vegetable oils are known for their many health benefits, most importantly they are an important source of energy and carrier of essential nutrients that are important for growth and metabolism, protection of brain cells, reducing the risk of heart disease, etc.

You can use our vegetable oils for frying chicken, cooking stew and fried rice. You can get it from us in 1, 2, 4, 5, 10 and 25 litre sizes.

Find us
Elinabiz Global ventures
Anita Okeh Igbelina
4 Phillip Taiwo Street Coker Estate
Sasha Olusubare Lagos

Mobile: +234 8023281915